Using Windows in the Apple Ecosystem

Using Windows in the Apple Ecosystem, Windows on macOS

A quick scroll through reveals that we use a lot of Apple hardware. In fact, our entire office infrastructure is built using the Apple ecosystem. However, one of our primary services at AllReitz Group is IT support, and this is traditionally done in a Windows environment. In fact, Apple products and macOS only make up about 16% of the desktop computer market. The space is dominated by Windows, which takes up a whopping 75% of the market, with ChromeOS and Linux barely on the charts both hovering around 2% each.* So, instead of limiting our business to well under a quarter of the market, we decided to set up a completely virtual Windows environment using Microsoft Azure. This allows us to service the entire market rather than having to pick and choose parts of it. The video below is a brief explanation of how we accomplished using Windows in the Apple Ecosystem and what it looks like in practice. If you’re interested in something like this for your business or just want to try it out and have some fun, feel free to reach out to us directly or on your favorite social media.


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