Top Applications

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This list encompasses the essential apps that I use on a day-to-day basis to run the sales and marketing department here at AllReitz Group, Inc. I run all these applications on my M1 MacBook Pro. If you are interested in learning about my journey with the new M1 MacBook Pro you can read about that here. I use these apps in a business setting, but they can also be used for leisure and entertainment purposes. Without further ado, let’s jump into my top applications! is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Outlook is a vital app to my workday. I use it to communicate within the company, with potential prospects, potential partnerships, calendar, and to complete business transactions. It is a top form of communication for my position and allows me to interact with all my emails in one location.

Microsoft Teams is an essential app for internal processes here at AllReitz Group, Inc. we use Microsoft Teams to send quick messages, updates, files, videos, collaboration work, and even video and conference calls. Without Teams, there would be less interactive capability between coworkers.

ClickUp is another very important app that our marketing team uses daily. ClickUp is a project management software that encompasses many informational and tactical views to track your work. It can be used to track many more things than just marketing as well. We have a separate blog that talks all about ClickUp, how we use it and picked it. You can view that post here.

Chrome just happens to be my choice in internet access apps, but there are many out there. I use it to keep track of our company’s social media accounts, as well as use it to keep track of our statistics for multiple accounts, ads, and websites. I also use it to access our website building platform and our email services. Chrome is a very generic app, but without it, I would not be able to complete half of my job, so I inevitably had to make it a part of the list.

Adobe Premiere Pro is our company’s go-to application for video editing. It is the industry standard in marketing, advertisement, and content creation. We use it to make informational videos, social media content, ads, as well as training videos, and soon-to-be recorded webinars. It allows for clean editing and the great part about Adobe products is once you learn one, the skills are typically pretty easy to transfer from app to app within the Adobe suite (this is something we talk about in another blog, which you can view here).

Adobe InDesign is an important application for developing marketing material. Things like business cards, pads of paper for around the office, folders, brochures, print ads, digital ads, signs, and promotional items (pens, stickers, flash drives, etc.) It is very helpful for taking something from an idea to a great piece of work you can use to promote your business.

Photoshop is not as regularly used but is still a very important app for what I do. It is included in this list because, as a leader of the marketing division, it is imperative that our company’s image is of the highest quality. That doesn’t mean editing something beyond recognition or creating drastic changes, but the app allows me to make sure the graphics and images we use are clear, clean, and to the standard of what is required in this line of business.

Illustrator is another fantastic Adobe app and can sometimes be compared to InDesign, although, I find the uses for it are very different. InDesign is more for final products and physical items, giving the user the ability to transfer files of what they see on a computer to real-life items. Illustrator is to be used more for designing the graphics to be incorporated into the files that end up in InDesign. I use it more for designing promotional graphics, logos, digital graphics, content graphics, campaign graphics, and almost anything that will eventually end up as an asset in InDesign.

Word is your classic writing application, and for a company with a blog, it is inarguably a must-have. There are a few different applications for this, some may argue better, but Word just happens to be the one I am most familiar and comfortable with. I have used it all my life and it just happens to be the best for me. Nonetheless, it is still important enough to make the list. I have begun to use Grammarly as a spell checker for typed content and I must say it is growing on me. Soon enough I might have to transfer and start writing all of my content in there.

Last but not least, OneNote. OneNote is a great way to take notes for work. I use it almost daily to take notes about a project, what I’m working on, what I have coming up, what was covered in a meeting, and anything else I want to jot down. I use it as storage for thoughts. It is easy to maintain organization and allows me to go back and check what I was working on anywhere from 30 minutes ago to months ago.

That completes my list of Top Applications that I use for my work. Next on the list is to find what kind of CRM fits best in our company’s portfolio of apps. If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments!