Monthly economic statistics have reached uncharted territory over the last two years. From record employment in January 2020, then the March shutdown and record job..
It is sometimes informative to compare some of the government’s statistics in order to better understand the shape and direction of the economy. In the..
We want to wrap up 2021 economic commentary with a quick summary of last week’s Jobs Report and this week’s Consumer Price Index. Certainly, there..
Today the Labor Department (BLS) released the December 2021 Jobs Report. After I read it and some commentaries on the numbers, I thought it beneficial..
Inflation Now and In the Near Future Welcome to my two-days-late 3rd Tuesday look at the economy. October is once again a month of suppliers..
The US Congress just passed another Stimulus-type bill to get Demand going so more jobs are created in the economy. The Fed also is doing..
Where did all that stimulus money go? Between the Federal Reserve’s monetary actions and Congress’s fiscal spending, an estimated $8 trillion has entered the economy..
The dictionary definition of inflation: Economics: a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money: policies aimed at controlling inflation; [as..