Employment, inflation, Fed policy, supply chain strain and other key indicators continue to hover in negative territory. As in my June post, there is just..
So far June has been full of bad economic news. Preparing for this monthly blog post ordinarily involves following the economic news all month, especially..
Commodity traders have the right prescription for curing inflation: “The best cure for inflation is high prices”. During this period of full (overfull?) employment and..
A LOOK AT SOME CURRENT SOURCES OF INFLATION The economy is giving signs of a growing gap between the supply of things and the demand..
US consumers love to buy things again, and the economy can’t keep up with our demands. When demands exceed supplies of the things we buy, we..
US consumers love to buy things again, and the economy can’t keep up with our demands. When demands exceed supplies of the things we buy,..
It is sometimes informative to compare some of the government’s statistics in order to better understand the shape and direction of the economy. In the..
Ordinarily, my 3rd Tuesday missive comments on the major economic indicators and their effect on people in general. Recently the Congress’s attempt at gaining revenue..
Inflation Now and In the Near Future Welcome to my two-days-late 3rd Tuesday look at the economy. October is once again a month of suppliers..
As you can read regularly in the press, inflation is now a worry for our economy. One of the most often mentioned causes is ‘bottlenecks..
Since our July 3rd Tuesday Blog, the economy continues opening, albeit in fits & starts. As we consumers get out and consume more each month,..
A note from ARGI: During the last 6 months, our 1st Tuesday Blog developed into a monthly look at the economy. In order to continue..