Whether it’s done proactively or subconsciously, every organization (Org) has: A) a Strategic Plan (SP) and B) an Organization Chart (OC). As the Org grows, both the SP and the OC are still there and growing with the Org. When properly managed and developed, the SP sets out the path to keep the Org on Mission.
At the bottom is the foundation of ongoing success-Frontline Workers, where the rubber meets the road. An often missed but valuable opportunity in most Orgs is utilizing the relationships visualized below to communicate to all workers WHERE they fit in the Org, but more importantly, in the macro-level view of the Org’s total work flow.
The graphic below presents a typical SP process. On the right side, it presents a typical OC with the various levels of management next to the part of the process they are responsible for. Note that there are no strict lines between OC levels and their involvement in the SP implementation, but the graphic expresses the general match-ups.
Remember, both the OC and the SP are present in every Org. Just picture yourself going into business on your own. Right away we see the SP start to form and be implemented by your decision and the forethought you put into it. Now you’re off and running! Maybe in the beginning it’s just you doing everything. (Why did I do this again? Because it’s fun!). All your efforts (you’re the whole OC!) are directed toward building your dream (your SP).
So, you’re off and running.
And you need help, so you hire the first non-you worker.
Result: Your OC is now doubled, and tiers are developing. As you train new workers, you make sure they know what your ultimate plan is and how they fit into making it happen.
This example demonstrates the way both the OC and SP are developing before you even decide to take the step. They have developed informally in the founder’s subconscious and their deliberate decisions. Expand the example to when your Org is 25 years in and doing very well. You had the responsibility to develop the SP and to hire good people. Keeping your workers informed of the SP and its levels gives them insight into what Goal their Tasks are supporting, and at the mid-levels, What Objective is my Goal going to make possible.
People want to know where they fit in the Org in a more macro, informal sense. It provides comfort in understanding work better and their place in it and the feeling of being of value in the process.
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