M1 Updates : Second Update

Apple M1 MacBook Pro

The new Apple M1 MacBook Pro is still performing very well. The laptop is under high stress almost every day and handles it with minimal issues. Compared to last month, not much has changed with the computer. It is still running very fast, allowing me to get all aspects of my job done with minimal pushback.

The only thing I have noticed from the last blog to this blog is the ability for Adobe programs to run as smoothly as they possibly can. The Adobe programs do well when I am using them, but they are still missing that fine-tuning for the new M1 chip. When I am working with large files, they still occasionally lag and crash. I used to think it was just Photoshop, but if I push the programs too hard it happens in all of them. Not sure if that is an M1/Adobe compatibility issue or if my computer just can’t handle the amount of stress the program is producing.

Working on a project in Premiere Pro the other day, I needed to take some clips from Premiere Pro and put them into After Effects. One of Adobes highlight features, that I think is very cool as well, is the dynamic link feature (a feature that allows you to take a clip/photo from one Adobe app and easily load it into another Adobe app to edit in real-time on the original app). I went to use the dynamic link feature on a clip, granted I loaded it wrong from PP to AE so it was taking up much more RAM than it was supposed to, but it crashed both programs and wouldn’t let me get any work done. In retrospect, I definitely used the connection between apps feature wrong, but I felt it was still something my computer should have been able to handle as my coworker’s computer (Apple MacBook Pro with an Intel chip) was able to handle it “just fine”, with only a few minor lags and long render load times.

Other than that one issue I ran into, which was partly my fault, I haven’t had any other problems or issues with the computer. (If I did have any issues with tech I would definitely take it to AllReitz Group, Inc. because they do great work.) Everything is working nice and fast. Many application companies and developers have come out and said that they are working on M1 versions of their applications, but I haven’t seen any come out yet. So, for now, we will have to wait until that happens so we can look at the difference that is made.

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