Hello and welcome to our inaugural monthly 1stTuesday blog!
AllReitz Group, Inc. is starting a monthly blog post called 1stTuesday. With information flowing so fast through our lives, we tend to process it at speed as well. Although convenient in the moment, it’s too easy to lose sight of the broader trends affecting our lives. 1stTuesday will become your monthly read to maintain awareness of various technological, economic, and business trends and how they could impact you in the future. So, take a few minutes each month to read and interact with us. It will be a light way to remind you to think of your goals that are there to give direction in times of chaos. And coming out of 2020, looking to 2021, seems chaos will remain a bit high.
The ’soft’ format for 1stTuesday will consist of the following sections. We look at them as buckets. If a bucket isn’t full or ready, it may not appear in a month’s blog.
Bucket #1: Quick-Look At…
The ‘Quick-Look At…’ This is a ‘Past, Present & Future’ section that provides a summary of events during the previous month, a critical look at issues of the day, and a bit of commentary on what is currently looking like Impact Issues (Issues we track that are rising in potential to affect our services fields). We welcome your submittals for a guest post. Outside viewpoints and input can only strengthen 1stTuesday and increase its value to our readers.
Bucket #2: Topic of the Moment
When we come across a topic that is of interest to our readers, there will be a more detailed look at it, either by us or a guest blog post. Our goal is to make readers aware of some trend or current event that may impact them in the near future.
Bucket #3: Survey Results
We are working on an anonymous survey for the blog. Our hope is for you to let us know what your personal economy is looking like and what you see coming in the future. The only voluntary piece of data we may ask for is your zip code. It gives us a geographical signpost to see how people from different regions feel about things.
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