Many companies today opt for only a Facebook page to represent their company online. I touch on this in my Reemergence Review blog in the website section. This is not necessarily wrong, but the addition of a website to match your Facebook page could help to spring your companies’ online profile forward drastically. Some minor downfalls to using only a Facebook page include competition, a chance for distraction, non-customizable experience, and lead generation issues.
One of the issues that Facebook presents is a business’s ability to poke through a user’s feed. There are over 2.7 billion active users on Facebook and there are around 60 million business profiles. With that many profiles and information being pushed into Facebook, standing out in all of that ‘noise’ is getting tougher and tougher. With all the friends and pages people follow, your posts and page can easily get lost in the flow. Sure, you can spend money on ads for Facebook to get in front of more people, but the same issue arises, you can still get lost in all that competition. It also costs money to run ads, and for the same price or even less, you could have your own website that doesn’t have any competition.
The amount of information, people, and pages on Facebook also allows for a huge chance of distraction. The human attention span is around 8 seconds. And on a Facebook page, that attention can easily be pulled to all the other information on the platform. There is a chance that a person can get a notification, view a friend’s page, or another business. Your own website can be designed to only focus on you and what you provide, allowing for no distraction and presenting a chance to grab a consumer’s full attention.
This leads into the non-customizable experience. With your own website, you can create the experience you want the customer to have. Whatever that may be, you can make it the way you feel is best to capture interest and attention. With only a Facebook page you are stuck with the format and styling of Facebook. There is no chance to add certain branding and styles that could be available to you on your website.
Lastly is lead generation. Email is still the number one marketing and sales tool for business. Facebook does not allow you to collect emails from people that follow or look at your page. Your website can enable you to present pop-ups and forms that entice the users to fill in their email, thus giving you your own emailing list to market and sell to.
I am not saying that having a Facebook page is bad, I think every business should have one, I just believe that every business should pair their Facebook page with a website for maximum exposure. With all the competition in the business world nowadays, why wouldn’t you try to have every avenue, every option available to you? We here at AllReitz Group, Inc. know it can be time-consuming to build a website. If you require any help or consulting do not be afraid to reach out. You can find our contact information here.
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